Wednesday, October 18, 2017

October Red Pencil 2017

The Red Pencil                 
Newsletter of Watauga County Retired School Personnel
Vol.XVIII, No.2  October
October Meeting
When:            Thursday, October 19, NOON, $10, check made payable to Watauga County NCRSP
Where:           Deerfield Methodist Church
Why:              To share time with each other AND to hear from Shannon Carroll, High
Country Food Hub Coordinator with Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture
With:               non-perishable food for the Hunger Coalition. Please also remember to bring children’s books for Santa’s Toy Box, and let’s load down that long table in the Fellowship Hall with INDIVIDUAL SIZES of fruit, heatable meals, cereal, and everything else for the more than 400 backpacks our school kids take home every weekend. Don’t forget all the lovely, noisy, loose change you’ve been collecting for the Scholarship Fund, and don’t forget the plastic bags and medicine bottles! 

If you don’t RSVP via email or receive a call from one  of our volunteer callers, please call 

Becky Steele before 8 PM on Sunday, October 15, or email her at

If you have time, please plan to stay for just a few minutes  after the meeting 
to help clean our meeting space.

 President’s Message

Autumn is once again in the air as colorful leaves flutter gently to the ground. Shorter days lead to longer nights, so let’s all savor the most colorful season of the year! Once we “fall back” an hour on Nov. 5, we’ll miss these longer days of sunlight. 
We anticipate a most interesting, informative program on October 19th presented by our own Shannon Carroll, coordinator of the Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture. She’ll be sharing information about their work to strengthen the High Country's local food system.
 Membership continues to be our focus for this year, and at our last board meeting, we discussed the following strategies: 
1)      Meeting with NCAE representatives from each of our schools. We’re already working on completing this strategy. 
2)      Making our local unit more visible. Bill Watterson created an informative article for the local newspapers about who we are, what we do, and how to join NCRSP.  
3)      Scheduling a meeting with Dr. Elliott and several of our board members. Our goal is to have his endorsement to publicize NCRSP in the schools, as well as to have ways to connect with potential retirees. 
4)      Continuing to contact and reach out to all retirees. Everyone can help in this endeavor. If you know of any current, or pending, retirees, please let us know, or make a contact to invite them to one of our meetings. 
Concerning Community Participation, please make the effort to submit your volunteer hours. Only 15 of us turned in hours at the August meeting. We can do better! Either turn in a print copy of your hours at a meeting, or feel free to email Candace with your hours.
Be sure to check out the Fall issue of Panorama and see our unit’s photo and article. Candace Hall, along with a number of other NCRSP members, represented us well in volunteering at Letterland at Tweetsie! 
Open Enrollment for our Health Insurance is now underway. Stay informed and choose the plan that meets your needs. 
Your new NCRSP membership card is coming in November, and let me know if you’re interested in the State Convention, March 14-15 in Winston Salem, or the Regional 1B Convention, April 26th in Conover.
An appreciative “shout out” to Linda Seamster for donating her lovely handmade quilt in August
as a raffle for our scholarship fund. Congratulations to Mike Dreisbaugh, the winner of the
                “Leafy Lap Quilt”!                                                                      
Mary Linda Dooley
         Treasurer’s Report for Watauga Unit of NCRSP       
As of 16 September 2017
Shares Account        $     32.67                                
Money Market          $  3265.97
Checking Account
Beginning Balance $5198.98
                DEP. 3rd quarter dues               $   161.33
Ck#1089 Precision Printing: RP & Enroll       $     87.43
                DEP. Lunch Collected: August $   360.00
Ck#1090 USPO: Red Pencil Postage               $     24.50                           
                DEP. Scholarship Raffle           $   474.00
Ck#1091 Saralyn Kader: Membership & Mile  $     47.97
               DEP. Scholarship Donations (2) $     44.74
Ck#1092 DUMC: Venue                                  $     30.00
Ck#1093 BBQ: Food                                       $   225.00
                Interest (Aug)                          $      1.00 
Ck#1094 USPO: Transmittal Form                 $       3.38
                Interest (Sept)                         $               
Checking Account Fee (Aug)                         $       1.00
Checking Account Fee (Sept)                        $
                                                Total Income: $ 1041.07
                                            Total Expenses: $   419.28
Ending Balance   $5820.77
Dedicated Amounts included in Ending Balance:
                Grant Funds: Committees      $1579.00+83.19-47.97  Balance $1614.22
                Scholarship Funds                   $ 897.50+568.74          Balance $1466.24
                Grant Funds: Avery                 $ 347.42-22.85            Balance $324.57
Submitted by and approved by Executive Board 
19 September 2017
Linda Seamster
 Heartline - News from our NCRSP Family
Dot Barker just went on a Christian Tours trip to Wisconsin and Michigan, spending two nights on Mackinaw Island.
Linda Seamster won honorable mention for her quilted wall hanging  during the Wilkes Quilters' Guild Show.
Mary Linda Dooley says, “The Canadian Rockies are the place to go for breath-taking beauty, especially traveling on the Rocky Mountaineer!”

Books for Santa’s Toy Box

      Christmas in October!  It seems too early, doesn't it?  But if we bring our books for Santa's Toy Box to our October 19 meeting, they can be given out this year.  (When we bring the books in December, they have to be stored until the next year, because our
December meeting is after the give-away.)  
    Santa's Toy Box, which will celebrate its 31st year of operation in the High Country this year, is a wonderful project that allows families who might otherwise struggle, to provide their children with presents. Parents are always asked to include at least one book in their choices.  So please bring new or gently used books, no writing in them, to our October meeting.
   Books can be bought very inexpensively at the continuing book sales at both the Watauga County Public Library and the Blowing Rock Community Library. You can often find very good, gently used books at both locations. You just might find a book for
yourself as well. :) 
Women in Agriculture Coordinator  to speak at October meeting

Shannon Carroll, our speaker at the Oct. 19 meeting, is the High Country Food Hub Coordinator with Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture. She worked as an instructional technology specialist in Watauga County Schools for 30+ years at the district, high school and elementary levels providing leadership and support for instructional technology.  
Her work in instructional technology began way back in 1983 when she traveled to all 8 elementary schools transporting Apple II computers in the back of her covered pickup truck, setting up “labs” in any available open space in the building with enough receptacles to plug them all in and teaching students how to program the Logo turtle.  Then came staff
development for teachers, MECC software, IBM Writing to Read labs, a move to WHS, word processing, SIMS, Impact NC, the internet, Microsoft Office and the list goes on and on until she finished her career with Watauga County Schools at Mabel with NCWISE, Smart Boards, laptops, iPads and creating school gardens. 
She retired from Watauga County Schools in 2013 and is currently dividing her time between three part-time positions  - being the High Country Food Hub Coordinator, the Lettuce Learn garden coordinator for Parkway School, and helping her husband, Terry, with his SunCatcher Passive Solar Greenhouse business. She also recently earned her Master Gardener certification. In her free time, she enjoys gardening, traveling to visit her sons, and going for long walks.
She looks forward to having an opportunity to share information about Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture and their work to strengthen the High Country's local food system by supporting women and their families with resources, education, and skills related to sustainable food and agriculture.
Rah! Rah! Rah!  Sis-boom-bah!
Where did you go to school?
Where did you receive your professional training?  How about your spouse/partner/significant other?  Children and grandchildren?  The Red Pencil wants to know where you went to school and where your spouse, children, and grandchildren matriculated, too.  
Please send this information to Nanci Tolbert Nance, or P.O. Box 188, Blowing Rock NC 28605 or complete the card on your table at our next meeting.  
Following the example below will make collating all this information much, much easier.  We’re betting you have fellow alums in our group that you don’t even know about!
Nanci Tolbert Nance 
Appalachian State Teachers College, Atlantic Christian College, 
Appalachian State University
Husband, Larry            
Appalachian State Teachers College, Florida State University
Son, Geoffrey              
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Granddaughter, Eliza 
Auburn University
Grandson, Tolbert        
University of South Carolina

For more information, go to 
Phew! Stink bugs invade
If, like most of us, you’re finding hordes of stink bugs in and
around your house, you might want to try building your own trap to get rid of the invasive species, which arrived in the U.S. only 20 years ago, but has since spread across most of the country, especially the East Coast. 
There are a lot of commercial traps, and even some other homemade traps, that are no doubt effective, but one of the least expensive traps to make includes an empty 2-liter plastic bottle, an LED light, black electrical tape, and masking tape. Click on the link below for more information:


If you haven’t received your 2018 Open
Enrollment booklet yet, call 855-627-3847 for more information. 
Open Enrollment ends  October 31, 2017. 
NCRSP Community Participation Volunteer Hours 2017 Name:   


Other (not familial)


       Candace will be happy to take your information by phone at 264-5763 or by email to            Total Hours in All Categories ________
The Red Pencil
Watauga County NCRSP
PO Box 2963

Boone, NC 28607

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

August 2017 Red Pencil

The Red Pencil
Newsletter of Watauga Unit, NC Retired School Personnel
Vol.XVIII, No.1 August 2017_______________________________________________steelebecky58@gmail.com___
August Meeting
           When:  MONDAY, 21 August 2017, 9AM
                              Registration, payment of dues to begin at 8AM
           Where:  Deerfield Methodist Church
           How much:    $10, check payable to Watauga County NCRSP,  for a traditional breakfast                                             catered by BBQ - Burgers, & Brews         
           What:      Getting together on the first day of school, welcoming new retirees, and enjoying                                   the pleasure of each other’s company

     Our special guest speaker for this meeting is Gary Childers, whose long career as an educator includes 26 total years as a principal in Watauga County at Bethel, Parkway, and Watauga High School. He will speak on being active after retirement, community service opportunities, and the status of WCS.
If you don’t RSVP via our email survey or receive a call from one  of our volunteer callers, please call 
Becky Steele at 828-295-3045 before 8 PM on Wednesday, August 16, or email her at by August 16.
We look forward to seeing everyone on this first day of school for our county! Please remember to help out our staff by doing the following: 
1. pay your dues.  If you write a check, please make it out to NCAE.  Remember to pay particular attention to the article about dues later in this newsletter;
2. contribute to the Scholarship Fund.*** The sum of $5 is a suggestion, but we’re happy to be the recipients of your generosity in any amount;
3. drop all the lovely, noisy, loose change you’ve been collecting into the little watering cans at your table;
4. bring food staples (pasta, beans, rice, canned veggies) for the Hunger Coalition.
Remember that we are not collecting school supplies again this year.  Instead, you contributed in May to the Back2School Festival, which will already have taken place before our breakfast meeting. 
***Please remember that a donation to the Scholarship Fund is an excellent way to remember or to honor a friend or a professional colleague.

! President’s Message
     Greetings as we start a new NCRSP 2017-18 year in our Watauga Unit! How grateful we are to live in this glorious high country, with its mild climate, while much of our country is not as fortunate. 
     For our upcoming year, we anticipate exciting and informative programs as we put into action many of your suggestions. Our new vice-president, Jane Rogers, has secured our very own Gary Childers, long-time educator, as our speaker at our first meeting,  Aug 21, at 9:00. We now know him as our newest school board member!  As the yellow buses roll on our highways again, make your plans to join us for a warm and filling breakfast, a reunion with familiar faces, and some cheerful words from Dr. Childers.
     As always, membership drives our organization. Saralyn Kader, assisted by Kathy Moorman, has given out gift bags, along with NCRSP information, to recent retirees. Saralyn compiled lists of names, along with who in our group might be the best to reach out to each one personally. This year we plan to be more visible in the schools and to work more closely with NCAE representatives. Each of us can make a difference by inviting retired colleagues to our meetings. 
     On a legislative note, while we are certainly grateful for the 1% COLA raise offered this year, we will continue to fight for a larger increase. Remember to contact our representatives to make your voice heard.* 
     Invitation – Consider coming early to our meetings to enjoy more social time with friends and to welcome new folks! 
Mary Linda Dooley

*Watauga County Representatives
Jonathan Jordan   919-733-7727
Deanna Ballard   919-733-5742 

!  NCRSP Meeting Dates, 2017-2018
All meetings will take place at Deerfield Methodist Church.  With the exception of the Monday  9 AM meeting on August 21, all meetings are on Thursday and begin at noon. Please mark your calendar now to avoid conflicts with doctors’ appointments and other events.
August 21, Monday, 9 AM, Deerfield Methodist Church October 19, 12N, Thursday, Deerfield Methodist Church December 14, 12N, Thursday, Deerfield Methodist Church March 15, 12N, Thursday, Deerfield Methodist Church May 17, 12N, Thursday, Deerfield Methodist Church
Please remember to RSVP before meetings

Watauga Unit of North Carolina Retired School If you do not either RSVP via Members: It is EXTREMELY important that survey or receive a call about you RSVP or contact Becky Steele by the Saturday before Thursday luncheon meeting days.  We must give a total number to our caterer on Monday so they can prepare the meeting, please phone
Becky Steele at 295-3045 or email her at

A most sincere “thank you” to the Wellingtons as a new caterer prepares to serve our NCRSP meals this year
   The NCRSP membership profusely thanks George and Nettie Wellington, who have fed the unit at its regular meetings for almost twenty years. We truly appreciate their hard work, delicious meals, and always pleasant attitudes! The Wellingtons were awarded with a Red Apple Award this past March for their many years of dedication to the unit. 
   Starting with the August 21 breakfast meeting at Deerfield Methodist Church, BBQ - Burgers & Brews of Boone will prepare and serve our meals, starting with a traditional breakfast at the 9 a.m. meeting, including eggs, bacon, sausage, breakfast potatoes, fresh fruit, breads, and coffee. 

      Volunteers for the Back2School Festival dressed as colorful crayons to participate in Blowing Rock’s annual Independence Day Parade. 
Supporting the Back2School Festival
The Watauga County Unit of NCRSP has been involved for three years in helping to provide funding, materials, and personnel for the Back2School Festival.
Amber Bateman is the creator of this event, an outgrowth of her own Quiet Givers.  Amber saw a need to help our county’s students begin school with the supplies, the support, and the attitudes they needed to succeed.  She met with members of local organizations and led the discussion that resulted in the idea of a countywide, free school supplies festival. 
The B2S Festival itself, scheduled this year on August 12, includes hands-on activities for the attending students, activities led by local businesses, and booths sponsored by businesses, public service agencies, and churches to inform attendees of their services.  As our focal point for school giving, the Watauga Unit of NCRSP collected money in May to purchase supplies to “Pack the Bus” – and donated $698.87, improving on our total donations for last year!

2017-2018 Officers
Watauga Unit
North Carolina Retired School Personnel
Your unit officers serve you.  If you have questions or information for any one of them, please get in touch using these numbers and email addresses.
President Mary Linda Dooley 773-6597
Vice-Pres./Pres. Elect Jane Rogers 773-2963
Treasurer Linda Seamster 963-6808
Parliamentarian Ben Strickland 264-2320
Legislative Comm.    Bill Watterson 898-5500
Membership Comm.  Saralyn Kader 295-9414
Memorials Susan McKay 264-9691
Community Participation    Candace Hall 264-5763 Scholarship       Melony Winkelmann 264-6190
Decorations             Karen Crotts 264-1593
Meeting Arrangements Margaret Sigmon 264-2036
Historian Janice Burns 295-7454
Care Comm.  Beth Carrin 264-9227
Red Apple Award Nanci Tolbert Nance 963-8892
Red Pencil Editor/Sec. Becky Steele 295-3045 
Webmaster   Lee Stroupe 264-1276
Contributions/Suggestions/Email Edition of The Red Pencil, anyone? 
Change of email or snail mail address? or snail mail to
Becky Steele, 1120 Aho Rd., Blowing Rock NC 28605

" Treasurer’s Report:
Extremely Important Information about Paying Your Dues
         I look forward to serving as Watauga Unit’s treasurer again this year.  My first responsibility, collecting dues for July 2017 – June 2018, will occur at our August 21 breakfast meeting.
  There are three options for dues payment:
1. Check  (check made payable to : NCAE)
2. Bank Draft  (Electronic Funds Transfer: bring voided check to attach to form)
3. Credit Card  (Card info needed: choice of annual or 10-month deductions)                 
  Current members’ dues are the same as last year except for those of you who are not NEA lifetime members.  You will notice a five-dollar increase for NEA dues.  New members’ dues are $116.00 made payable to NCAE.  In the initial year of membership, members have the option of paying an NEA-Retired Lifetime Membership of $250 with the other dues.  I will explain this option in person at the meeting.  Our unit has an Associate Membership plan for non-certified personnel – assistants, secretaries, and other support personnel.  The Associate Membership is $10, is for nonvoting membership in the local unit only, and includes our newsletter, The Red Pencil.  Associate Membership does not include membership in the district, state, or national organizations and is available only for non-certified personnel.
 In an effort to save on supplies and postage, I hope to collect all cash/check-only dues by our October meeting.  If you mailed your dues to me last year, I will send you a dues notice after the August meeting. My address is Linda Seamster, PO Box 2963, Boone, NC  28607.
  This newsletter contains the budget for this coming year.  I will ask for members’ approval; please review it prior to the August breakfast. 
  I look forward to seeing many of you at the August breakfast.
  Linda Seamster
  Watauga Unit Treasurer
Treasurer’s Report for Watauga Unit of NCRSP
August 2017
Shares Account $     32.63
Money Market $ 3260.79
Checking Account
Beginning Balance $6718.92
  Income:  Expenses:
  Interest (May) $       1.22 Checking Account Fee (May) $       1.00
  DEP. Lunch Collected: May $   330.00 Ck#1114 NCRSP: Leadership Workshop $     15.00
  DEP. Scholarship Donations $   350.00 Ck#1077 Precision Printing $     36.83
  DEP. Back 2 School Donations $   673.87 Ck#1078 USPO: Postage $     24.50
  DEP. Back 2 School Donation $     25.00 Ck#1079 DUMC: Venue $     30.00
  Interest (June) $       1.53 Ck#1080 G. Wellington: Catering and Food  $   350.00
  Interest (July)  $       1.21 Ck#1081 M.  Sigmon : Supplies & Frame $     13.32
  Ck#1082 J. Burns: Historian supplies $     12.70
  Ck#1083 NCRSP Region 1B: Due Refund* $   142.67
  Ck#1084 UNC Wilmington:Scholarship $1500.00
  Ck#1085 Walmart: Supplies $     12.47
  Ck#1086 USPO: Postage $       1.84
  Ck#1115 L. Seamster: Supplies & Name Tags$      29.57
  Ck#1087 M.L. Dooley: Mileage  $      32.00
  Checking Account Fee (June)  $        1.00
  Ck#1088 The Children’s Council: B2S $    698.87
  Checking Account Fee (July)  $        1.00
          Total Income: $ 1382.83      Total Expenses: $ 2902.77
Ending Balance $5198.98
Dedicated Amounts included in Ending Balance:
  Grant Funds: Committees $1996.99 – 417.99:  Balance $1579.00
  Scholarship Funds  $ 1624.34 – $1501.84 + $775.00 Balance $897.50  Grant Funds: Avery  $ 375.82 – 28.40: Balance $347.42
Budget: 01 July 2017 through 30 June 2018
To be approved by membership in August 2017
  Local dues based on 110 members @ $10.00 $1100.00
  Estimated income from meals (~42 mem/5 events) $2100.00
  Estimated income from miscellaneous change $  200.00
  Estimated interest earned on accounts $    40.00
  TOTAL EST INCOME: $ 3440.00
Officer Expenses
  Bank Fee (12 months @ $1.00 each) $    12.00
Additional postage and supplies  $    30.00
  State Convention/ Workshops for Officers $  350.00
  Local Meetings (Self-supporting)  Committee Expenses $2100.00
  Community Participation: Candace Hall $      3.00
       Red Apple Award: Nanci Tolbert-Nance  $      0.00
  Membership: Saralyn Kader $  100.00
  Memorial: Susan McKay
  Communications/Media: Becky Steele
       Newsletter printing (5 printings @ $40 each)
       Postage for newsletter (5 mailings @ $30 each)
  Scholarship: Melony Winkelman    Historian: Janice Burns   Care: Beth Carrin $  100.00
$  200.00
$  150.00 $    10.00
$    40.00
$    20.00 Draft presented and approved by Executive Board  17 July 2017
Linda Seamster
  Heartline - News from our NCRSP Family 
Bernie and Sondra Edwards are busy preparing for their annual Grandparent Camp which will culminate in traveling to see the eclipse. 
Kathy and Gary Moorman spent 7 days touring Paris and Rome with recently graduated grandaughter Emma and daughter Brook. Then they visited a relative, U.S. ambassador Kyle Scott and his wife, Nena, in Belgrade, Serbia. The trip ended with 5 days in Dubrovnik and 2 days in Split on the coast of Croatia. 
They returned just in time for their grandson’s 3rd birthday.
Frank and Mary Linda Dooley have just returned from a trip  to the Canadian Rockies with good friends.
On June 24th, Bill Watterson's son Sean married Margie Majorenos from Ozamiz City,
Philippines. The wedding was held at Hanging Rock State Park. In August, Sean and
Margie, Bill, his wife Carol, and several other family members are traveling to Nashville, TN, for a four-day stay at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel.
When you attended an event during An Appalachian Summer Festival, you probably saw a fellow member of our NCRSP unit.  Taking your ticket or showing you to your seat just
might have been Beth Carrin, Barbara Hunsucker, Nanci Tolbert Nance, or Camille Napier - and if you were at the Schaefer in the balcony, we hope you behaved properly, because your Security person up there is usually our own Jane Rogers.
If you saw “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” “Million Dollar Quartet,” or “Legally Blonde” at Lees-McRae, we hope you saw Nanci Tolbert Nance, who serves on the LMST Advisory Board. In Memoriam
 Roger Harwood, former teacher at WHS, passed away on July 3.
Lenore Critcher, former teacher at Blowing Rock, passed away on July 7.
                            Red Apple Award
At our first meeting in August - and at every meeting, we hope, look for our members who are wearing a distinctive red apple pin.  It identifies our friends and colleagues who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in service to the Watauga Unit of NCRSP and earned our gratitude.  If you are a recipient of the Red Apple Award, we hope you will wear your pin proudly.

Candace Hall was one of a number of NCRSP members who volunteered at Tweetsie Railroad’s Letterland Days back in May. Clever Cat and Golden Girl were among the Letterland characters who spent the day visiting with thousands of school children.
               Members volunteer at Letterland Days
Among the Watauga Unit of NCRSP volunteers who assisted at Tweetsie Railroad's Letterland Days, were Sharon Brooks, Candace Hall, Kathy Idol, Rosemary Mock, Kathy Moorman, and Jo Sorrell.  Volunteers may be a Letterland character, a guide for a character who has a costume which limits vision, or a lunchtime supervisor. 
The children who come are mostly in the age group learning to read, and they are so very excited to see the letters come to life!
Quilt raffle at breakfast meeting to support scholarship fund

We’re ready to welcome new members!
   The membership committee and others are now gathering information on newly retired teachers.  We want to make sure each one is invited to our first meeting in August.  We could use your help!  If you know teachers who recently retired or retirees who may be interested in NCRSP, please invite them to come. 
   Feel free to call me at 295-9414 with any names and I'll be happy to mail them an invitation.
   If people ask you exactly what we do, please tell them that in addition to meeting five times a year for fellowship and information, we also donate school supplies to Watauga County students through our participation in the Back2School Festival; collect children’s books for Santa’s Toybox; collect food, medicine bottles, and plastic bags for the Hunger Coalition; give cell phones to OASIS and to our troops overseas; and provide services to our members that include transportation to meetings. 
Saralyn Kader
Membership Chair
Don’t forget your  volunteer hours
Our Community Service Coordinator, Candace Hall, reminds us that the state goals for volunteer hours are for
50% of members to report and for 25% of the reported hours to be in education.  We usually easily meet the per-
centage goal for members reporting, but often fall short for the percentage of volunteer hours in education; therefore we would like to encourage members to work in even more hours in education as we enter the final five months of 2017.
Candace has individual totals for the members for each of the two meetings that we've had so far this year; those totals will be available at each table.  She welcomes receiving hours from earlier this year as well as the most recent period.  So far in 2017 we have a total of 711 hours, both education (220.5 hrs.) and other (490.5 hrs.).
Think about all the wonderful things you do, from singing in your church choir to providing flowers for meetings to being a substitute grandparent in an elementary school class or working the polls at elections.  Caring for a family member doesn’t count, but almost everything else does! 
Other ideas for volunteering include, but are not limited to:
Assisting at a public library Tutoring  Classroom assistance
Chaperoning field trips Mentoring Working with ESL students
Serving on a scholarship committee Meals on Wheels  Teaching Sunday School
Volunteering at a hospital  Girl/Boy Scouts  Visiting shut-ins
American Red Cross Hospitality House Health & Hunger Coalition
Shoebox Ministry Mountain Alliance Western Youth Network
Children’s Council Children’s Playhouse Wine to Water
Habitat for Humanity Arts Council Watauga Storm sports
Grandfather Home  Hospice of Watauga Co. Community Care Clinic
Fill out the form on the last page of the newsletter and bring it  to the meeting on August 21, or phone/email Candace.
NCRSP Community Participation Volunteer Hours 2017 Name: 
Category Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Education x x x x x x x x x
Other (not familial) x x x x x x x x x
  Candace will be happy to take your information by phone at 264-5763 or by email to  Total Hours in All Categories ________

The Red Pencil
Watauga County NCRSP
PO Box 2963
Boone, NC 28607