The Red Pencil
Newsletter of Watauga County Retired School Personnel
Vol.XVIII, No.1 August 2016____________________________________________steelebecky58@gmail.com___
August Meeting
When: MONDAY, 22 August 2016, 9AM
Registration, payment of dues to begin at 8AM
Where: Deerfield Methodist Church
How much: $10, check payable to Watauga County NCRSP,
for a buffet country breakfast catered by George Wellington
What: Getting together on the first day of school, welcoming new retirees, and enjoying the pleasure of each other’s company
Our special guest speaker for this meeting is Terry Harmon, who is a product of the Watauga County school system, the author of three books (so far), and a noted genealogist. He will be tracing the families of some of our members, giving us hints on doing our own genealogical research, and answering your brief questions
If you don’t RSVP via email or receive a call from one of our volunteer callers, please call
Margaret Sigmon at 264-2036 before 8 PM on Wednesday, August 17, or email her at
Every year we say the same thing about our first meeting, but it still matters and you can really help “the staff” by being ready when you arrive to:
- pay your dues. If you write a check, please make it out to NCAE. Remember to pay particular attention to the article about dues later in this newsletter;
- contribute to the Scholarship Fund.*** The sum of $5 is a suggestion, but we’re happy to be the recipients of your generosity in any amount;
- drop all the lovely, noisy, loose change you’ve been collecting into the little watering cans at your table;
- bring food staples (pasta, beans, rice, canned veggies) for the Hunger Coalition.
Remember that we are not collecting school supplies again this year. Instead, you contributed in May to the Back2School Festival.
***Please remember that a donation to the Scholarship Fund is an excellent way to remember or to honor a friend or a professional colleague.
President’s Message
Greetings to all Watauga NCRSP members! I am looking forward to seeing you on August 22 at 9:00AM at our first meeting of 2016-17. I sure hope that you are planning to join us.
Our program features Terry Harmon, who is an avid genealogist and an amateur historian. Also visiting with us will be Marilyn Futrelle, Region 1B president.
Our neighbors in Avery County are currently without an active organization. These school personnel retirees, who pay dues and are members of NCRSP, are being invited to merge with us. This move allows them access to NCRSP information and updates. Please welcome them warmly.
Kathy Moorman, Linda Seamster, and I attended the Regional Leadership Conference in June. Key topics reinforced were legislation and membership. Regarding legislation, we can help if we 1) educate ourselves on issues; 2) learn what local and state candidates actually support retirees; 3) vote; 4) write, call, email your legislatures to let them know your thoughts. Membership is everyone’s responsibility. Invite anyone you know who is a school personnel retiree. More ideas on this subject will be forthcoming.
The latest Panorama featured two articles submitted by Nanci Tolbert Nance from our unit. One described the outstanding volunteer work of Mary Hazel Mast working with students, and the other featured NCRSP members volunteering at Tweetsie Railroad’s Letterland Days. (This is a phonics-based reading program for young children). Other members are no doubt doing notable deeds that should also be highlighted in the Panorama, so please let us know what they are.
Finally, be sure to come prepared to help enhance our scholarship fund. We are raffling off a ceramic elephant bowl, crafted and donated by Amber Bateman. Amber is one of the founders of the Back2School program. Tickets are $5.00, so please be generous as we “grow” our scholarship fund.
Know that you are appreciated, and remember that it is you who make our unit strong. Together we can have another productive, as well as an enjoyable, year!
Mary Linda Dooley
“At every moment, we are volunteers.” ~Stephen Colbert
NCRSP Meeting Dates, 2016 - 2017
All meetings will take place at Deerfield Methodist Church. With the exception of the Monday
9 AM meeting on August 22, all meetings are on Thursday and begin at noon. Please mark your calendar now to avoid conflicts with doctors’ appointments and other events.
August 22, Monday, 9 AM Deerfield Methodist Church
October 20, 12N, Thursday Deerfield Methodist Church
December 15, 12N, Thursday, Deerfield Methodist Church
March 16,12N, Thursday, Deerfield Methodist Church
May 18,12N, Thursday, Deerfield Methodist Church
Please remember to RSVP before meetings
Watauga County North Carolina Retired School Personnel: It is EXTREMELY important that you RSVP or contact Margaret Sigmon by the Saturday before Thursday luncheon meeting days. We must give a total number to George Wellington on Monday so he can do his grocery order.
If you do not either RSVP via email or receive a call about the meeting, please phone Margaret Sigmon at 264-2036 or email her at
Need a Lift?
If you or anyone you know needs transportation to one of our meetings, please call Beth Carrin at 264-9227 and she will make arrangements.
Supporting the Back2School Festival
The Watauga County Unit of NCRSP has been involved for three years in helping to provide funding, materials, and personnel for the Back2School Festival.
Amber Bateman is the creator of this event, an outgrowth of her own Quiet Givers. Amber saw a need to help our county’s students begin school with the supplies, the support, and the attitudes they needed to succeed. She met with members of local organizations and led the discussion that resulted in the idea of a countywide, free school supplies festival.
The B2S Festival itself, scheduled this year on August 13, includes hands-on activities for the attending students, activities led by local businesses, and booths sponsored by businesses, public service agencies, and churches to inform attendees of their services. As our focal point for school giving, the Watauga Unit of NCRSP collected money in May to purchase supplies to “Pack the Bus” – and donated $568 to the cause!
Website helps givers identify real vs. fake charities
Just FYI, keep in mind that fake charities abound these days, especially ones that intentionally sound like the “real deal.” The list of fake charities includes, for example, Disabled Veterans of America. The REAL one is the DAV, the Disabled American Veterans.
Check out before giving if you want to make sure your dollars are going to a legitimate charity.
2016-2017 Officers
Watauga Unit
North Carolina Retired School Personnel
Your unit officers serve you. If you have questions or information for any one of them, please get in touch using
these numbers and email addresses.
Vice-Pres./Pres. Elect Kathy Moorman 262-5595
Treasurer Linda Seamster 264-3621
Membership Comm. Saralyn Kader 295-9414
Red Apple Award Nanci Tolbert Nance 963-8892
Red Pencil Editor/Sec. Becky Steele 295-3045
Contributions/Suggestions/Email Edition of The Red Pencil, anyone?
Change of email or snail mail address? or snail mail to
Becky Steele, 1120 Aho Rd., Blowing Rock NC 28605
Treasurer’s Report:
Extremely Important Information about Paying Your Dues
I look forward to serving as Watauga Unit’s treasurer for the next two years. My first responsibility, collecting dues for July 2016 – June 2017, will occur at our August 22 breakfast meeting.
There are three options for dues payment:
- Check (check made payable to : NCAE)
- Bank Draft (Electronic Funds Transfer: bring voided check to attach to form)
- Credit Card (Card info needed: choice of annual or 10-month deductions) Note: If you currently use payroll deduction, you may continue until notified of a change. This option is not available to new retirees.
Current members’ dues are the same as last year except for those of you whose dues are less than $81. You will notice a five-dollar increase this year. This is an effort to equalize the return to the local units for operation expenses
New members’ dues are $111.00 made payable to NCAE. In the initial year of membership, members have the option of paying an NEA-Retired Lifetime Membership of $250 with the other dues. I will explain this option in person at the meeting.
Our unit has an Associate Membership plan for noncertified personnel – assistants, secretaries, and cafeteria workers. The Associate Membership is $10, is for nonvoting membership in the local unit only, and includes our newsletter, The Red Pencil. Associate Membership does not include membership in the district, state, or national organizations and is available only for noncertified personnel.
At the meeting, you may also want to write a check for the Scholarship Fund. These checks can still be made out to Watauga Unit of NCRSP.
I will send membership notices to those of you who have paid dues in the past by mail. My address is Linda Seamster, PO Box 2963, Boone, NC 28607.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the August breakfast.
Linda Seamster
Watauga Unit Treasurer
Red Apple Award Update
In April, your executive board approved a very special recognition, the Red Apple Award. It’s not a Tony or an Emmy or an Oscar or a Grammy, but it means more to us because it’s our way of acknowledging and thanking members of our own unit.
That’s a photo of the Red Apple Award pin above, and we know that each of its recipients will wear it with pride in its representation of our appreciation for outstanding service to the Watauga Unit of NCRSP.
Dot Barker, Lee Stroupe, and I are the members of the Red Apple Award Committee, and we are seeking your help in selecting future recipients. We ask that you consider nominating a member of our organization whose service to our unit has been exemplary, by faithful attendance over a number of years or by filling an important need within the group or by performing a service to the organization.
To nominate a member of our unit, please email Nanci Tolbert Nance at or snail mail me at P.O. Box 188, Blowing Rock NC 28605 with your name, the name of the person you have chosen, and a few sentences explaining the reason for your nomination. You may make multiple nominations.
We want this award to be as outstanding as its recipients, and we know that you do, too.
Nanci Tolbert Nance
Support our local Watauga County Farmers’ Market
May - Oct: 8am - Noon
November: 9am - Noon
At Horn in the West
We’re ready to welcome new members!
As we approach the beginning of a new school year, do you know any prospective members of our unit, new retirees who would benefit from membership and who would add energy and another perspective to our group? If so, please let them know that we need them and they need us. What do they have to lose if they don’t join? Subscriptions to Panorama and NCAE News Bulletin, FREE accidental death and dismemberment insurance up to $7,500, lobbyists representing retirees’ needs, free hearing screenings, member discount cards for discounts at over 150,000 locations/businesses – and all for as little as $6.75 a month on payroll deduction, that’s what – and more.
New retirees have already received a letter from our unit. At the bottom of the letter is a coupon for breakfast at our first meeting of the year. Please encourage any new retirees that you know to take advantage of the free coupon and to come join us on August 22!
If people ask you exactly what we do, please tell them that in addition to meeting five times a year for fellowship and information, we also donate school supplies to Watauga County students through our participation in the Back2School Festival; collect children’s books for Santa’s Toybox; collect food, medicine bottles and plastic bags for the Hunger Coalition; give cell phones to OASIS and to our troops overseas; and provide services to our members that include transportation to meetings.
Peach Layer Dessert - Take advantage of summer’s fresh peaches
2 C. self-rising flour 1 C. chopped pecans
2 sticks melted margarine or butter
Blend together all ingredients and press into 13x9” baking dish. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes. Cool.
8 oz. cream cheese, softened 4 T. dry peach Jell-O
8 oz. Cool Whip 1 C. cold water
2 1/2 C. powdered sugar 3 T. plain flour
4 C. fresh peaches, sweetened to taste
Combine cream cheese, Cool Whip, and powdered sugar. Beat well with mixer and spread on cooled crust. Top with sweetened peaches. Mix Jell-O, water, and flour in saucepan. Cook over medium heat until thickened, stirring constantly. Cool and pour over peaches. Chill several hours before serving. ~Teresa Lentz in Treasures from the Village Table
Don’t forget your volunteer hours
Our Community Service Coordinator, Candace Hall, reminds us that the state goals for volunteer hours are for 50% of members to report and for 25% of the reported hours to be in education. We usually easily meet the percentage goal for members reporting, but often fall short for the percentage of volunteer hours “in education”; therefore we would like to encourage members to work in even more hours in education as we enter the final five months of 2016.
Candace has individual totals for the members for each of the two meetings that we've had so far this year; those totals will be available at each table. She welcomes receiving hours from earlier this year as well as the most recent period. So far in 2016 we have a total of 1783.5 hours, both education and other.
Think about all the wonderful things you do, from singing in your church choir to providing flowers for meetings to being a substitute grandparent in an elementary school class or working the polls at elections. Caring for a family member doesn’t count, but almost everything else does!
Other ideas for volunteering include, but are not limited to:
Assisting at a public library Tutoring Classroom assistance
Chaperoning field trips Mentoring Working with ESL students
Serving on a scholarship committee Meals on Wheels Teaching Sunday School
Volunteering at a hospital Girl/Boy Scouts Visiting shut-ins
American Red Cross Hospitality House Health & Hunger Coalition
Shoebox Ministry Mountain Alliance Western Youth Network
Children’s Council Children’s Playhouse Wine to Water
Habitat for Humanity Arts Council Watauga Storm sports
Grandfather Home Hospice of Watauga Co. Community Care Clinic
Fill out the form on the last page of the newsletter and bring it
to the meeting on the 22nd or phone/email Candace.
NCRSP Community Participation Volunteer Hours 2016
| ||||||||
Other (not familial)
Total Hours in All Categories ________
Candace will be happy to take your information by phone at 264-5763 or
The Red Pencil
Watauga County NCRSP
PO Box 2963
Boone, NC 28607
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