Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 14th Red Pencil

The Red Pencil                NCRSP Seal (circle for color printers)

Newsletter of Watauga County Retired School Personnel

Vol.XV, No.1 August 2013__________________________________________ntn1066@hotmail.com___

                                                                                  August Meeting

When:   WEDNESDAY, 14 August 2013, 9AM

Registration, payment of dues to begin at 8 am                            Where: Deerfield Methodist Church

How much:   $10, check payable to Watauga County NCRSP , for a buffet country breakfast catered by George Wellington 

What: getting together on the first day of school, welcoming new retirees, and enjoying the pleasure of each other’s company, with a musical experience from the Mountain Mixers from Linville. 


If your caller does not contact you, call Margaret Sigmon at 264-2036 before 8 PM on Saturday, the 10th of August or email her at margaretsigmon@bellsouth.netNOTE NOTE NOTE that our meeting is on WEDNESDAY, the first teacher workday, NOT the first day of school!  Don’t forget to put your golden apple pin on your lapel, either!
Every year we say the same thing about our first meeting, but it still matters and you can really help “the staff” by being ready when you arrive to:
1.      pay your dues.  You’ll find more about the amount later in this newsletter, but you know by now that your dues are noted on your mailing label on this issue of the RP.  Bring a check in that amount made out to Watauga Unit, NCRSP.  Remember to pay particular attention to the article about dues later in this newsletter;
2.      contribute to the Scholarship Fund.  The sum of $5 is a suggestion, but we’re happy to be the recipients of your generosity in any amount;
3.      drop all the lovely, noisy, loose change you’ve been collecting into the little watering cans at your table;
4.      pile the tables just inside the door high with school supplies for distribution to the students in the Watauga County Schools.  Please make a point to purchase 1 ½” - 3” three-ring binders if you can, instead of spiral notebooks.  Students are also in need of backpacks of all sizes.  Because the backpacks usually cost between $15 and $20, perhaps you’d like to team up with another member or two and hit Wal-mart!  Remember that school supplies are tax-free on the weekend before school begins. AND
5.      bring food staples (pasta, beans, rice, canned veggies) for the Hunger Coalition.
MC900441394[3]President’s Message
The summers go so quickly now, don’t they?  Even when this one has been mostly rain, it seems to have slipped by us at jet speed!  I hope that you’ve been keeping up with the doings in Raleigh concerning the future of our profession and that you are making your voice heard and your opinions known with our legislators.  Today’s active educators are our future members and the future of our organization, too.
We in the Watauga Unit of NCRSP face an interesting challenge this year, as well, and one that we are uniquely equipped to meet.  On October 18, we will be hosting the District 3 Convention.  We already have a beautiful venue, the First Presbyterian Church of Boone on Deerfield Road, we have the outstanding setting, our mountains in the fall, and we have the talents and enthusiasm of our members to make this meeting truly memorable.  Our only concern is that we just might be SO impressive that the group will want to meet here every year!  Mary Linda Dooley is chairing the convention committee and will be calling on all of us for help with hospitality, decorations, directions,  and more, including our attendance, and I know that you will answer her call and represent our unit with pride. 
                                                            William R. (Billy Ralph) Winkler, III
MC900410407[1]NCRSP Meeting Dates, 2013-2014
All meetings will take place at Deerfield Methodist Church.  With the exception of the Wednesday 9A meeting on August 14, all meetings are on Thursday and begin at noonPlease mark your calendar now to avoid conflicts with doctors’ appointments and other events.
August 14, 9A  Deerfield Methodist Church
October 17, 12N  Deerfield Methodist Church
December 19, 12N  Deerfield Methodist Church
March 20, 12N  Deerfield Methodist Church
May 15, 12N Deerfield Methodist Church
Important Folks Volunteer to Be Callers
The members of Watauga County North Carolina Retired School Personnel receive a call before each of the five annual meetings reminding them of the meetings and confirming their attendance.   Our volunteers make many phone calls and leave many messages on answering machines.  If you find a message on your machine, returning that call is EXTREMELY important so that the callers can get their lists to Margaret Sigmon by Saturday before the meeting day.  We must give a total number  to George Wellington on Monday so he can do his grocery order.  If you do not receive a call about the meeting, please phone Margaret Sigmon at 264-2036.
Our really important callers for the 2012-2013 year are
Jackie Adams
Sue Aldridge
Wanda Bentley
Beth Carrin
Eula Mae Fox
LaVerne Franklin
Candace Hall
June Mann
Mary Hazel Mast
Susan McKay
Rebecca Robinson
Joyce Sherrill
Betty Wells
We thank them for taking their time to make sure we know about meetings and have other timely information.
MC900251285[1]   Need a Lift?
If you or anyone you know needs transportation to one of our meetings, please call Beth Carrin at 264-9227 and she will make arrangements.
Contributions/Suggestions/Email Edition of The Red Pencil, anyone?  Change of email or snail mail address? or snail mail to
Nanci Tolbert Nance, P.O. Box 188, Blowing Rock NC

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