The Red Pencil
Newsletter of Watauga County Retired School Personnel
Vol.XII, No.1 August 2009
August Meeting
When: WEDNESDAY, 12 August 2009, 9AM
Registration, payment of dues to begin at 8AM
Where: Deerfield Methodist Church
How much: $10, check payable to Watauga County NCRSP
for a buffet country breakfast catered by George Wellington
What: getting together on the first day of school, welcoming new
retirees, and enjoying the pleasure of each other’s company
If your caller does not contact you, call Margaret Sigmon at 264-2036 before 8 PM on Saturday, the 8th of August or email her at NOTE NOTE NOTE that school begins on WEDNESDAY this year, NOT Thursday! Don’t forget to put your golden apple pin on your lapel, either!
By now, this information is standard, but it still matters and you can really help “the staff” to simplify this first meeting of the year by being ready when you arrive to: your dues. You’ll find more about the amount later in this newsletter, but you know by now that your dues are noted on your mailing label on this issue of the RP. Bring a check in that amount made out to Watauga Unit, NCRSP. Remember to pay particular attention to the article about dues later in this newsletter;
2.contribute to the Scholarship Fund. The sum of $5 is a suggestion, but we’re happy to be the recipients of your generosity in any amount;
3.drop all the lovely, noisy, loose change you’ve been collecting into the little watering cans at your table;
4.keep up with your volunteer hours for Community Participation chairperson Eula Mae Fox; and
5.pile the tables just inside the door high with school supplies for distribution to the students in the Watauga County Schools. Marshall Ashcraft, who is responsible for getting our contributions into the schools, says that he probably receives more spiral notebooks than the students need but that they would really appreciate some 1 ½” 3-ring binders and backpacks. Because the backpacks usually cost between $15 and $20, perhaps you’d like to team up with another member or two and hit Wal-mart! Remember that school supplies are tax-free on the weekend before school begins.
The members of Watauga County North Carolina Retired School Personnel receive a call before each of the five annual meetings reminding them of the meetings and confirming their attendance. Our volunteers make many phone calls and leave many messages on answering machines. If you find a message on your machine, returning that call is EXTREMELY important so that the callers can get their lists to Margaret Sigmon by Sunday before the meeting day. A total number must be given to George Wellington on Monday so he can do his grocery order. If you do not receive a call about the meeting, please phone Margaret Sigmon at 264-2036.
President’s Message
Greetings and a big, hearty welcome to all! How much fun it is to meet together at breakfast on the first day of school to celebrate with each other! Even more than usual, in these troubling times, we need the encouragement and friendship of our fellow educators and the support and the strength of our organization to fight for our continued health and retirement benefits. Even though most of us are no longer “on the front line,” we are concerned, dismayed, and perplexed with the proposed legislative cuts in education. Issues, for which we fought, are under attack. The teachers of our state, aided by the diligent work of our NCAE/NCRSP officers and lobbyists, have spoken again and again to preserve the gains that have been made. Each time we receive a legislative update from Ben Strickland, we ask ourselves, “Where will it end?”
The only answer to save teacher jobs and maintain class size is to increase revenue. While searching the horizon for a view of the newly-erected wind turbine from our house, my granddaughter saw it, and exclaimed, “If you look for it, you will find it!” Out of the mouth of babes comes wisdom and advice for our legislators. There are ways to save education from those disastrous cuts, and our legislators, with our prodding, must search for those solutions. If they do, they will find it!
My heart and my thoughts will be with you on the morning of August 12th, but I will be in San Francisco representing North Carolina in the National Senior Games. I will look forward to the news of the meeting and to our next gathering on October 15th.
Let the year begin!
Thank you for the honor of serving as your president
Beth Carrin
On The Green Side
Last year your harried editor promised that each newsletter would contain a hint or two for going green and preserving our planet. This year, I promise to do a better job, beginning with this message about plastic bags. Did you know that some stores actually charge you $.10 for each plastic bag they use for your purchases?
Worldwide, we use between 500 billion and one trillion plastic bags, with less than 2% of them being recycled. Millions of these bags end up in the litter stream and even account for more than 10% of the debris washed up on our coastlines, according to the Marine Debris Monitoring Program. When you are checking out and the clerk asks, “Paper or plastic?,” the correct response is, “Neither. I brought my own bag.” Almost every store sells a recyclable bag with its own logo at an extremely reasonable price (Wal-mart sells bright blue bags for $1 and you can find lightweight, sturdy bags at every grocery in town, in Target, and in dozens of other stores.), and you can do your part by taking these bags – no matter the logo – into every store. Belks? Recyclable bag. The outlets at Shoppes on the Parkway? Recyclable bag. Develop the habit of keeping bags in your car and taking them with you no matter what.
And if you shop at Lowes Grocery, did you know that you’ll get CREDIT at the cash register if you’ve brought your own bags?
THIS month, purge your cabinets of all those nasty plastic bags and bring them to our August meeting. We’ll take them to the Hunger Coalition where they will be put to use – and then, we hope, recycled.
Contributions/Suggestions/Email Edition of The Red Pencil, anyone? Change of email or snail mail address? or snail mail to
Nanci Tolbert Nance, P.O. Box 188, Blowing Rock NC 28605
A Fond Farewell
Ruth Lisk has moved to Texas to be closer to her son. She will continue to join our unit and be a part of our happy group. Her new address is: Ruth Lisk, La Vita Bella, 3527 Oak Dr., Dickenson, TX 77539.
We all lead busy lives and have full calendars. To help simplify your calendar for the coming school year we offer this listing of NCRSP meeting dates and ask that you write them down in your pocket calendar immediately to prevent conflicts with doctors’ appointments or dentists’ visits or other demands on your time. Take a moment now, please, to make sure that you can join us all year for our informative and interesting meetings.
For Your Calendar: The 2009-2010 Watauga Unit NCRSP Meeting Schedule:
12 August 2009 9AM
15 October 2009 noon
17 December 2009 noon
18 March 2010 noon
20 May 2010 noon
We’ve seen some of these questions before, but they’re still fun. The questions are straight, with no tricks, and so are the answers.
1. What famous North American landmark is constantly moving backward?
2. What fruit has its seeds on the outside?
3. Only three words in standard English begin with the letters ' dw' and they are all common words. Name two of them.
4. There are 14 punctuation marks in English grammar. Can you name at least half of them?
5. Name the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form except fresh.
6. Name 6 or more things that you can wear on your feet beginning with the letter 'S.'
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MONEY MATTERS: paying dues the efficient way
As always, your dues amount is printed in the upper right corner of your mailing label this month. If you receive your newsletter by email, you may check with Dot Barker, on your amount. Please bring this amount to the August meeting, with your check made payable to Watauga Unit of NCRSP. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may mail your check to Dot Barker, Treasurer, 451 Poplar Hill Dr., Boone NC 28607. If your label has PR printed on it, you have chosen to have your dues deducted from your retirement check through the Payroll Deduction Plan. DO NOT WRITE a check for your dues if you see PR on your label. You certainly will, however, want to write a check for the Scholarship Fund. If you are not on the Payroll
Deduction Plan and will be writing a check for your dues, you may include your donation to the Scholarship Fund in your check if you wish.
If you are a new retiree or a membership prospect, you will find no dues amount on your label. If you retired after July1, 1999, your annual dues are $106. If you retired between July 1, 1985 and July 1. 1999, your annual dues are $60.
Please consider paying your dues this year through the Payroll Deduction Plan, whether you are a new retiree or a current member. With this plan your dues are deducted from your retirement check each month, so they are spread over the year rather than in one check. You have no check to write at the beginning of the year. Also, even though we all hope that we won’t have to use it, the amount of the Accidental Death and Dismemberment Policy that comes with your membership is $7,500 for those members on the Payroll Deduction Plan and only $2,500 for cash-paying members. Please note that the state will drop accidental death coverage for cash-paying members who have not paid by December 15. The forms for both types of membership will be available at our August meeting. Again, PLEASE consider paying through Payroll Deduction, for your benefit and our chapter’s.
Again, you may include a contribution to the Scholarship Fund in your dues check. If you mail your dues to the treasurer, you may include both dues and Scholarship Fund donation in the same check.
Our unit has an Associate Membership plan for noncertified personnel - assistants, secretaries, cafeteria workers, etc. The Associate Membership is $10 and is for nonvoting membership in the local unit only, which includes our newsletter, The Red Pencil. This does not include membership in the district, state, or national organization. This is available only for noncertified personnel.
If you have any questions about dues, please call Dot Barker at 264-3621 or email her at
Need a Lift?
If you or anyone you know needs transportation to one of our meetings, please call our president, Beth Carrin, at 264-9227, and she will make arrangements.
2009-2010 Officers
Watauga Unit
North Carolina Retired School Personnel
President Beth Carrin 264-9227
Vice Pres/Pres Elect La Verne Franklin 964-3337
Sec./Treas. Dot Barker 264-3621
Parliamentarian Robert G. Shipley 297-2832
Legislative Comm. Chr. Ben Strickland 264-2320
Membership Comm. Chrs. Roland, Barbara Moy 264-8811
Necrology June Mann 264-8626
Community Participation Eula Mae Fox 264-3066
Scholarship La Verne Franklin 964-3337
Decorations Linda and Roger Harwood 264-3974
Meeting Arrangements Margaret Sigmon 264-2036
Remembrance Lera Randall 264-3979
Historian Janice Burns 295-7454
Red Pencil Editor Nanci Tolbert Nance 963-8892
Webmaster Lee Stroupe 264-1276
Community Participation chair Eula Mae Fox, unit president Beth Carrin, and unit secretary/ treasurer Dot Barker
Do you know any prospective members of our unit, new retirees who would benefit from membership and who would add energy and another perspective to our group? If so, please let them know that we need them and they need us. Remind them that membership in NCRSP includes Panorama and NCAE News Bulletin, FREE accidental death and dismemberment insurance up to $7,500, lobbyists representing retirees’ needs, free hearing screenings, member discount cards for discounts at over 150,000 locations/businesses – and all for as little as $6.75 a month on payroll deduction. Invite them to attend our meeting in August.
New retirees have received a letter from our unit. At the bottom of the letter is a coupon for breakfast at that meeting.
If people ask you exactly what we do, please tell them that in addition to meeting five times a year for fellowship and information, we also donate school supplies to Watauga County students, collect children’s books for Santa’s Toybox, collect food, medicine bottles and plastic bags for the Hunger Coalition, donate cellphones to OASIS, and provide services to our members that include Christmas stockings for our shut-ins and transportion to meetings.
Do you have musical talent? Would you be interested in performing with a chorus of our members? Please speak with La Verne Franklin at our meeting on WEDNESDAY, the 12th of August.
Don’t forget to keep up with your volunteer hours! Did you know that the state values that time at $20.25 per hour? The worth of our contributions to our community is one factor in convincing our legislators that we matter and that we should be considered when decisions are made about retirement benefits. Keep count of your hours!
Don’t forget that we have really good pens with our NCRSP motto, “The Power of One,” on sale for $2.00.
Answers To Quiz:
1. North American landmark constantly moving backward...... Niagara Falls (The rim is worn down about two and a half feet each year because of the millions of gallons of water that rush over it every minute.)
2. The fruit with its seeds on the outside .... Strawberry.
3. Three English words beginning with "dw"? Dwarf, dwell and dwindle.
4.. Fourteen punctuation marks in English grammar… Period, comma, colon, semicolon, dash, hyphen, apostrophe, question mark, exclamation point, quotation marks, brackets, parenthesis, braces, and ellipses.
5. The only vegetable or fruit never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form but fresh... Lettuce.
6. Six or more things you can wear on your feet beginning with 'S'….Shoes, socks, sandals, sneakers, slippers, skis, skates, snowshoes, stockings, stilts.
The Red Pencil
Watauga County NCRSP
451 Poplar Hill Dr.
Boone NC 28607
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