Saturday, December 13, 2008

Red Pencil
Newsletter of Watauga County Retired School Personnel
Vol.XI, No.3 December 2008
December Meeting
Noon, Thursday, December 18, 2008
Deerfield Methodist Church
Cost per meal is $10, payable to Watauga Unit,

Rumor has it that a certain large person who generally appears this time of year in a red suit will be dropping by to visit, along with his number one elf, a familiar-looking fellow whose name is Lairion. He says we can call him “Snowflake.” And The Neighbors, a bluegrass group from Lenoir, will also be entertaining us. We’ll have our traditional sing-along, as well. Because our program is so full, we hope that you’ll make every effort to arrive on time and even early.

N.B. In celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday in early March and the Read Across America program which honors him, please bring a new or gently-read children’s book to the December meeting for distribution to Watauga County children through the Santa’s Toy Box Program. Do NOT bring books that have been marked in. On the subject of Read Across America, if you would like to volunteer to read to kids, select an appropriate volume, put the first week of March on your calendar, and call your favorite elementary school.

Please, please, please bring as much non-perishable food as you can to the meeting for the Hunger Coalition. Powdered milk, soup, oatmeal, pasta products, canned fruit and vegetables, ANYthing non-perishable will be acceptable. Don’t forget those medicine bottles, either, and this month, please include all those annoying little plastic bags from the grocery store and Wal-Mart and every other shop in town. We can recycle them!

Very important note: If your caller has not phoned you by the 13th of December, call your caller if you plan to attend. If you change your mind about attending, please call Margaret Sigmon at 264-2036 immediately. As usual, Margaret sends her thanks to her team of callers who generously volunteer their time doing work for our organization. AND, as usual, we are continuing our quest for perfect attendance recognition recipients. Make sure your name is on the list; come to the meeting!

Speaking of volunteering, PLEASE don’t forget to bring your completed volunteer hours form to the meeting. To recap, that’s a book for Santa’s Toybox, non-perishable food and medicine bottles and plastic bags for the Hunger Coalition, and your volunteer hours form for Eula Mae Fox. For your convenience, a clean volunteer hours form is again included in this newsletter and you’ll find a note from Eula Mae, as well.

President’s Message

“You have been injured and it is not wise for you to take this planned trip to Greece,” admonished my doctor. Did I take his advice? No. Do I wish I had? Oh, yes! On our first day in Athens, I had another mishap and spent the remainder of our tour on crutches. With limited mobility, we often took taxis, and the first question from every driver who recognized us as Americans was, “Obama?” By our calculations, eighty percent of the Greeks were in favor of Barack Obama’s winning the vote for the American presidency – they, too, were hoping for a change in our national policies!

On November 5, before the sun had risen, we tuned into CNN to hear the news of the election results. It seemed the entire world was celebrating this amazing victory of Barack Obama. Reporters have been saying that his campaign’s organization is unsurpassed. What an example of “the power of one!”

Thankfully, our thoughts can now turn to the holiday season. The miracle of Christmas has always entered my heart through stories, music and plays. One story that still brings tears to my eyes is A Certain Small Shepherd by Rebecca Caudill, the story of a young boy in Appalachia whose mother dies giving birth to him. Although Jamie grows and develops normally, he cannot talk. When he is about six, he plays the role of the shepherd in the school’s Christmas play. Days later, on Christmas morning, Jamie and his sisters trudge through the deep snow to a nearby church to celebrate with their father, who has been helping to shelter a young family with a newborn child. When Jamie sees the new baby, he rushes home, puts on his shepherd costume, grabs his own Christmas gifts, an orange and a dime, and hurries back to the church. Falling upon his knees, Jamie places the orange near the baby’s tiny hands and for the first time in his life, he speaks clearly. “Here’s a Christmas present for the child,” he says. With wonder and joy, the family kneels with him “and Glory Shone All Around.”

May the joy and majesty of the Christmas season fill our hearts with the belief that even today, miracles can happen.

With warm wishes,


To receive The Red Pencil by email, please send a message to Nanci at with your name and email address in the message. Indicate if you receive your email in Rich Text or Plain Text, and if you aren’t sure, just say so in your message. By receiving your newsletter on your computer, you’re getting your news within minutes instead of the days required by the postal service AND you’re saving the organization the cost of stamps and printing! It’s the clever thing to do!

2009 State Convention to Be Held in Durham

The NCRSP State Convention will be held March 24-25, 2009 in Durham. If you are interested in attending, please give your name to Beth Carrin before February 12. Be thinking about attending and notify Beth (264-9227 or with questions or reservations.

Our 2007 scholarship recipient says, “Thank you.”
Dear Members of Retired Teachers, I wanted to write a small thank you note to express my appreciation for the scholarship I received last year. I thoroughly enjoyed my first year at Gardner-Webb University and I look forward to furthering my studies in Elementary Education. The first education course that I took was an introduction course and I had the opportunity to spend two hours in each an elementary school, a middle school, and a high school. The teachers that I met taught me so much. The high school teacher told me that if teaching was really one of my passions, I will know it as well as my students. Thank you for your generosity and for the opportunity to further my education. May God bless you richly this coming year.


Anne M. Nick

The youngest retiree in the NCRSP system to receive a benefit check is 46 years old. The oldest is 107! One hundred and forty-five people receiving benefit checks are 100 years of age or older. The NCRSP retirement system recently began paying benefits to one retiree who had 57 years of service with North Carolina, one who had 63 years of service, and one who had 74 years of service (she was 99 when she retired).

In Memoriam

We extend our sympathies to the family of Ruby Michael. In honor of her long service to education, we have made a $25 donation to our scholarship fund.

Watauga Unit of NCRSP Donates Thousands of Hours*
Our members deliver meals, answer phones at church, make blankets for sick children, run errands and act as companions, volunteer in the schools, serve on the boards of almost every organization in this county, answer the phones in our church offices, sit with patients’ families at the hospital, and contribute in a hundred other ways to the richness of life in the High Country. You know what you do – now help me tell our leadership in Raleigh!

Most NCRSP projects and activities are scheduled and carried out during the school year, but Community Participation is ongoing throughout the calendar year and reported at year’s end. Please find your Volunteer Hours Report sheet or use the one in this issue of The Red Pencil and fill it out through the end of December. (You know what volunteer activities will keep you busy in December.)

I am beginning to receive report forms in the mail (at 199 Watauga Drive, Boone NC 28607) from members who know they will not be attending our December meeting. Please do get your form to me one way or another; those volunteer hours mean a great deal to our community and to our chapter.

Thank you for all the hard work you do for NCRSP and for others.
Eula Mae Fox, Community Participation Chr.

*According to statistics supplied by NCRSP leaders, our membership in the state is approximately 12,000 retirees. Last year, those retirees contributed 605,425 hours of community service, representing a value of $11.8 million.

Our oldest member, Katie Jane Peterson, sends her best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Kate, who will be 99 in March 2009, taught in both Tennessee and North Carolina during a career which spanned six decades and all grades, including college. She lives at Appalachian Christian Village in Johnson City, TN but is among the very first every August to renew her membership in the Watauga Unit of NCRSP.

NCRSP Community Participation

Volunteer Hours 2008
Please remember that any activities in which you participate for the benefit of someone else FOR WHICH YOU ARE NOT PAID count as “Other” in this listing, with the exception of family activities. That means the hours you spend with Habitat for Humanity or Project Linus or the Hunger Coalition or tutoring a student or transporting a friend or doing someone’s grocery shopping or attending civic meetings are all appropriate for inclusion here.

Keeping up with the computerized times: our own website

Remember that you can find out about upcoming meetings or what’s happening with your fellow members of our NCRSP unit through our website, You can even read the latest issue of The Red Pencil there!

Anonymous Member Makes Gift

One of our unit members has made a gift to our scholarship fund to honor all those who provide transportation to our meetings for members who no longer wish to drive. What a kind and generous thought!

Watauga County Unit

North Carolina Retired School Personnel

451 Poplar Hill Dr.

Boone NC 28607

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Meeting

Next Meeting -Thursday-December 18th
"Santa is coming to town"

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our Watauga Co. NCRSP Meets New School Superintendent--Dr. Marty Hemric

Watauga County Superintendent-Marty Hemric

See the new Slide Show with pics of today's meeting

Friday, October 3, 2008

The latest Red Pencil is here: check your email

The Red Pencil The Newsletter of Watauga County Retired School PersonnelVol.IX, No.2, October 2008Nanci Tolbert Nance, editor 963-8892
October Meeting
When: Noon, Thursday, 16 October 2008

Where: Deerfield Methodist Church

How much: $10.00, check payable to Watauga Unit, NCRSP

Program: This meeting will be our chance to meet new Watauga County Schools Superintendent Marty Hemric and hear what he envisions for our school system.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The August Red Pencil

The Red Pencil
Newsletter of Watauga County Retired School Personnel
Vol.XI, No.1 August 2008____________mailto:2008
August Meeting

When: Thursday, 7 August 2008, 9AM
Registration, payment of dues to begin at 8AM
Where: Deerfield Methodist Church
How much: $10, check payable to Watauga County NCRSP
for buffet country breakfast catered by George Wellington
What: getting together on the first day of school and enjoying the music of Carla Estep and important health care information from Angie Miller

If your caller does not contact you, call Margaret Sigmon at 264-2036 before 8 PM on Saturday, the 2nd of August or email her at
As always, you can really help “the staff” to simplify this first meeting of the year by being ready when you arrive to:

1. pay your dues. You’ll find more about the amount later in this newsletter, but you know by now that your dues are noted on your mailing label on this issue of the RP. Bring a check in that amount made out to Watauga Unit, NCRSP. Remember to pay particular attention to the article about dues later in this newsletter;

2. contribute to the Scholarship Fund. The sum of $5 is a suggestion, but we’re happy to be the recipients of your generosity in any amount;

3. drop all the lovely, noisy, loose change you’ve been collecting into the little watering cans at your table;

4. keep up with your volunteer hours for new Community Participation chairperson, Eula Mae Fox; and

5. pile the tables just inside the door high with lots and lots of school supplies for distribution to the students in the Watauga County Schools. Remember that school supplies are tax-free on the weekend before school begins, so hit those shelves at Wal-Mart and Staples and K-Mart and anywhere else!

Please remember that at each of our meetings we give away a number of door prizes or occasionally raffle items for the benefit of our scholarship program. The folks in charge of door prizes and raffle items want you to know that these articles are ALWAYS donated, never paid for by our chapter. We appreciate the generous souls who donate, create, and bake on our behalf.

President’s Message

Another year is beginning! How well we remember the hectic days of preparing for the beginning of a school year: making lesson plans, studying new textbooks, creating bulletin boards, copying class rolls, decorating the room and arranging the furniture, and, sometimes, even changing schools or grades or subject assignments or an entire new curriculum. Whew! After all those beginnings and changes, how blessed we are to be able to take a deep breath and join with other retired school personnel to celebrate our careers and our relationships with each other on the morning that Watauga County students experience their own beginnings and changes.

As the Watauga Unit’s executive committee met this summer to plan our upcoming calendar, I pondered about our goals and a theme that would help us focus on them.

Over the summer, I read Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who to my granddaughter. I had read it many times before to my young students and had enjoyed the delightful rhyming couplets and the inventive characters of Mr. Geisel. With them I always emphasized Horton’s “A person’s a person, no matter how small.” As I read how the microscopic Whos were to be boiled in a hot, steaming kettle of Beezle-Nut oil unless they could be heard by the other animals, I realized that there were more lessons to be learned from this little book. Even though all the Whos had been yelling their lungs out to be heard, it was only when a small shirker was discovered and joined his voice to the others’ that the Whos were heard and Whoville was spared. Horton’s faithfulness and the concerted effort of the Whos illustrated the importance of having ALL members doing their part and contributing to the purposes of the group.

These thoughts have led me to declare that our motto for the year will be the power of one. I know that all of you will join your voices to each other’s in proclaiming that this will be a successful, enjoyable, powerful year.

Thank you for the honor of serving as your president – and let the year begin!

Beth Carrin
District III Meets in Spruce Pine

District III of NCRSP will hold its Fall Convention at Pinebridge Convention Center in Spruce Pine on Friday, October 17, beginning at 9AM. Cost of the luncheon is $12. Please let Dot Barker know by October 6 if you’re planning to attend. Those of us who have been to Spruce Pine recently know that the drive is only about an hour and the road is good and the scenery is gorgeous. Make this event one of your fall outings!
Two Additions to the Red Pencil Coming

First, do you remember the bulletin board in the teachers’ lounge? It had For Sale notices and Wanted notices and pictures of new babies and silly quotations and reminders of due dates for reports. It was a hodgepodge, and anyone in the building could post an announcement or a note of congratulations or a pretty photograph. Each month, The Red Pencil will include its own bulletin board. Send a note to or phone Nanci at 963-8892 with your news or quotation or photograph.
Second, for the coming year, each newsletter will contain a hint or two for going green and preserving our planet. This month:
Instead of wasting money and CO2 on paper towels for simple things like drying hands and cleaning small spills in the kitchen, keep a small pile of dish towels on the counter.

Collect vintage towels at garage sales. Save paper towels for really messy, icky spills. Add the towels to other laundry loads, and you won't spend money or carbon getting them clean for use again.

Need a Lift?
If you or anyone you know needs transportation to one of our meetings, please call our president, Beth Carrin, at 264-9227, and she will make arrangements.
Contributions/Suggestions/Email Edition of The Red Pencil, Anyone? or snail mail to
Nanci Tolbert Nance, P.O. Box 188, Blowing Rock NC 28605
Tis a Puzzlement (2008)
See if you can figure out what these words have in common.
1. Banana 2. Dresser 3. Grammar 4. Potato 5. Revive 6. Uneven 7. Assess
Are you peeking or have you already given up? Give it another try. Look at each word carefully. Look later in this edition of the newsletter for the answer
In Memoriam

NCRSP member Reba Trivette Hodges Austin died June 25, 2008. We send our sympathy to the members of her family.
We all lead busy lives and have full calendars. To help simplify your calendar for the coming school year we offer this listing of NCRSP meeting dates and ask that you write them down in your pocket calendar immediately to prevent conflicts with doctors’ appointments or dentists’ visits or other demands on your time. Take a moment now, please, to make sure that you can join us all year for our informative and interesting meetings.
For Your Calendar:
The 2008-2009 Watauga Unit NCRSP Meeting Schedule:

7 August 2007 9AM Deerfield Methodist Church breakfast/entertainment
16 October 2007 noon “ Dr. Marty Hemric, WCS Superintendent
18 December 2007 noon “
seasonal entertainment
19 March 2008 noon “ tba
21 May 2008 noon “ scholarship presentation/necrology
MONEY MATTERS: paying dues the efficient way
As always, your dues amount is printed in the upper right corner of your mailing label this month. If you receive your newsletter by email, you may check with Dot Barker, on your amount. Please bring this amount to the August meeting, with your check made payable to Watauga Unit of NCRSP. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may mail your check to Dot Barker, Treasurer, 451 Poplar Hill Dr., Boone NC 28607. If your label has PR printed on it, you have chosen to have your dues deducted from your retirement check through the Payroll Deduction Plan. DO NOT WRITE a check for your dues if you see PR on your label. You certainly will, however, want to write a check for the Scholarship Fund. If you are not on the Payroll Deduction Plan and will be writing a check for your dues, you may include your donation to the Scholarship Fund in your check if you wish.
If you are a new retiree or a membership prospect, you will find no dues amount on your label. If you retired after July1, 1999, your annual dues are $106. If you retired between July 1, 1985 and July 1. 1999, your annual dues are $60.

Please consider paying your dues this year through the Payroll Deduction Plan, whether you are a new retiree or a current member. With this plan your dues are deducted from your retirement check each month, so they are spread over the year rather than in one check. You have no check to write at the beginning of the year. Also, even though we all hope that we won’t have to use it, the amount of the Accidental Death and Dismemberment Policy that comes with your membership is $7,500 for those members on the Payroll Deduction Plan and only $2,500 for cash-paying members. The forms for both types of membership will be available at our August meeting. Again, PLEASE consider paying through Payroll Deduction, for your benefit and our chapter’s.
Again, you may include a contribution to the Scholarship Fund in your dues check. If you mail your dues to the treasurer, you may include both dues and Scholarship Fund donation in the same check.
If you have any questions about dues, please call Dot Barker at 264-3621 or email her at

Don’t forget to keep up with your volunteer hours!

Answer to the puzzle: In each of the words listed, if you take the first letter, place it at the end of the word, and then spell the word backwards, it will be the same word.
2008-2009 Officers
Watauga Unit
North Carolina Retired School Personnel

President Beth Carrin 264-9227
Vice Pres/Pres Elect La Verne Franklin 964-3337
Sec./Treas. Dot Barker 264-3621

Parliamentarian Robert G. Shipley 297-2832
Legislative Comm. Chr. Ben Strickland 264-2320
Membership Comm. Chrs. Roland, Barbara Moy 264-8811

Necrology June Mann 264-8626
Community Participation Eula Mae Fox 264-3066
Scholarship La Verne Franklin 964-3337
Decorations Linda and Roger Harwood 264-3974
Meeting Arrangements Margaret Sigmon 264-2036
Remembrance Lera Randall 264-3979
Historian Sue Aldridge 963-4793
with Janice Burns and Marsha Fletcher

Red Pencil Editor Nanci Tolbert Nance 963-8892

Webmaster Lee Stroupe 264-1276
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Monday, September 8, 2008

Red Pencil Editor

Nanci Tolbert Nance --Editor of the Red Pencil

Friday, September 5, 2008

Video Clips of the Mountainaires Quartet

Several members of the quartet are part of our own Watauga County Retired Personnel Organization.

Pics from our 2008-2009 Breakfast

New Members

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The new Officers

Our new officers: left- Dot Barker(Treasurer) LaVerne Franklin(Vice President) & Beth Carrin(President). Ben Strickland, moderating the installation of officers.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

2008-2009 Elected Officers

Beth Carrin (left) - our newly elected President gives out-going 2007-2008 President, Eula Mae Fox, a service gift